Get a special call-out for your event inside the Weekend Preview with our Partner Pick. Stand out from the event crowd with an image, headline and description (or other custom content). It is a highlighted recommendation that is designed to fit in with the event listings and look more like an organic story than a display ad.
The Weekend Preview is a weekly round-up of weekend events, published every Thursday (email) and Friday (on-site). It is also boosted socially for increased engagement. The two main pieces of your ad are 1) a lead image and 2) a description of your product or event.
If you need help or desire recommendations, feel free to reach out to your rep for guidance.

Because the image will be accompanied by the text below, the image should have minimal text and appear more like an organic story image than an ad. A small logo could be included on the image.
Dimensions and file size: 1200 wide x 400-600 high. The height can be any size between that range. File size under 200k.
Accepted formats: JPG (recommended), PNG, GIF
A short headline with a paragraph of suggested text regaling our audience of the benefits of your product. Note: This may be personalized slightly to reflect our voice.
Call-to-action: Something like “Get more info,” “Click for more,” “Buy now,” “Read more,” etc.
Landing page: The destination link.
Info box: Optional. You may desire to include more secondary information like an upcoming event calendar, business address, or social information.
Sales and placement
Sold by: Email and/or day
Placement: Email and/or on site
Clicks tracked: No